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Install Night Owl

Quick start

The easiest way to create your first project is using the skeleton project. This includes the minimum boilerplate to get up and running with Night Owl.

First, copy the skeleton to a new directory. Change "my-project" to the name you want to use for your project.

npx degit stephenhutchings/night-owl/sites/skeleton my-project

The npx command, available in recent versions of npm, avoids the need to install degit globally first.

The project files will be copied to a new directory using your project name. Navigate to that directory and install the project dependencies.

cd my-project
npm install

You are now ready to run your first build.

Installing manually

You can also start a new project in an empty directory.

Create a project directory

Create a new directory and navigate to it. Change "my-project" to the name you want to use for your project.

mkdir my-project
cd my-project

Install night-owl

Before installing dependencies, your project needs a package.json. This process will ask you to confirm a few things about your project.

npm init

Run npm init -y instead to skip the questions and accept all the defaults.

Now you can add Night Owl as a dependency to your project.

npm install night-owl --save-dev

You are now ready to run your first build.

Minimum requirements

Night Owl requires Node.js version 14 or higher. Before you install Night Owl, make sure your version of Node meets the minimum requirements.

node --version

After running this command, make sure the first number in the output is 14 or higher.

Page data

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